B2B Gaming Announces Double Acquisition

B2B Gaming has acquired Asia Live Tech (ALT) as well as its sister company Start Live Casino (SLC). The company has been engaged with closed-door meetings with both ALT and SLC for some time, and they have now formally finalized the sale.

As a result of the acquisition, B2B Gaming will take complete ownership of both companies’ intellectual property, games, systems and properties. However, staff at both ALT and SLC will be retained, ensuring that customers will be dealing with the same personnel.

A six-month transition period will take place with the upper management of Asia Live Tech and Start Live Casino to ensure that B2B Gaming is fully aware of the companies’ clients and their requirements. Both ALT and SLC have also expressed their thanks to their customers for helping them develop into “internationally renowned companies.”

As a result of the acquisition, existing clients can look forward to more offerings and enhancements, as can the customers of B2B Gaming. It is widely believed that the combination of experience and games from the three entities has great potential.

Stakeholders have agreed that the acquisition will entail a single brand direction to ensure that there is no confusion. Once the acquisition is complete, all branding will be that of B2B Gaming, and the websites of both Asia Live Tech and Start Live Casino will soon redirect to B2B Gaming’s official website.

A joint statement from ALT and SLC to customers stated, “We deeply care about you and wish our clients continuous growth and more success in the years to come. You are in safe hands with B2B Gaming and will for sure have more offerings to avail in the days to come.”

The statement went on to say that the acquisition was only agreed after assurances were provided that customers’ business interests would not be affected.

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