GambleAware Targets Sports Fans with New Campaign

GambleAware, the British charity dedicated to combating problem gambling, has announced that it is to bring back its Bet Regret safer gambling campaign to coincide with the start of the 2020-21 English Premier League season.

The campaign is set to run across national television, digital and radio platforms, as well as on billboards in major cities and near football stadiums across the nation. According to the charity, the campaign is set to retain its focus on those aged between 18 and 34, one of the demographics most likely to be betting on sports.

GambleAware will be keeping the campaign’s wrestling theme and use the concept of ‘tapping out for time out’ to encourage fans to stop and think before they make an impulsive bet.

The charity, which initially launched the campaign last September, said that last year it delivered a high level of awareness. It was found that recognition averaged over 60% amongst the broader target audience and at 75% amongst those in the highest risk band.

GambleAware added that the campaign was highly effective at encouraging bettors to ‘tap out’, with 38% of the audience responding that they ‘try to tap out’ of their app before betting and 17% saying that they used the ‘tapping out’ method as a tool to help reduce their gambling.

Zoë Osmond GambleAware

With the start of the football season and fans returning to stadiums, we must do all we can to encourage people to pause and consider before making a bet. With all public health campaigns, the biggest challenge is translating awareness and intentions into actions, which is why there is a continued need to promote behavioural nudges, such as ‘tap out’.  So far, we have seen promising results from the campaign to date, with more people recognising and using ‘tapping out’ as a technique to moderate their betting.

Zoë OsmondGambleAware Chief Executive

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