Are Swedish Influencers Advertising Unlicensed Casinos on Twitch?

Kulturnyheterna, the investigative division of Sweden’s Sveriges Television AB (SVT), has found that eight out of ten leading Swedish influencers on Twitch are actively promoting unlicensed casinos on their channels.

The factfinding television show spent six weeks carefully reviewing the influencers’ broadcasts looking at how they promote unlicensed gambling sites on their live streams and encourage their large audiences to gamble.

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According to the investigation, between them, the influencers have an audience of roughly half a million, mainly young men born in the 1990s and 2000s. While broadcasting live streams, 60% of the influencers used direct marketing tactics such as sharing links to casinos in their profiles and broadcasts and offering followers sign-up bonuses.

Influencers Actively Encouraging Gambling

Kulturnyheterna found that the influencers were actively encouraging their fans to gamble and would play alongside their audience, involving them in betting decisions in order to increase engagement.

In 2022, Twitch introduced guidelines that banned promoting gambling content, but it has been struggling to enforce its rules effectively.

More Regulation News

The findings of the investigation have been passed to Sweden’s gambling regulator, Spelinspektionen, and Kulturnyheterna emphasized that Twitch is the primary platform on which the promotion of unlicensed casinos is taking place.

Regulator Yet to Respond

So far there has been no comment from Spelinspektionen regarding Kulturnyheterna’s investigation. However, it has recently been taking action against unlicensed gambling operators and recently banned a number of them that had been promoted on Twitch.

Furthermore, there is a chance that it will follow Norway’s lead where the gambling authority has adopted a zero-tolerance approach to the promotion of gambling on social media platforms.


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