G2E Asia to Take Place in August 2021 at the Venetian Macao

The Global Gaming Expo (G2E) Asia event is one of the centerpieces of the year for the Asian gaming industry. While it is traditionally held in May, the 2021 edition of the expo will take place from August 17 to 19.

G2E will take place between 17 and 19 August

The setting for the G2E 2021 Expo will be the Venetian Macao, where it has been held in the past. As for the change in the date, it has been altered this year to allow the companies that are going to be present more time to get prepared following the COVID-19 pandemic in the last year. It isn’t clear if there is provision for a change of date if needed.

It is hoped that the current travel restrictions will be lifted in time to ensure that all of the attendees can arrive with a minimum of problems. The organizers have confirmed that they have been in consultation with the Macau government, the American Gaming Association and other interested parties to ensure that the right decisions have been made.

The idea behind this event is to show off a variety of educational content and confirm the value of the Asian marketplace in the current gaming industry. Many of the biggest names in the business are expected to attend, allowing them to make new connections, discover the latest products, and find out all about the latest trends in this thriving industry.

Indeed, it has been calculated that more than 95% of the casino operators in Asia attend the G2E Asia meetings every year. Since Macau is considered to be the heart of the Asian gambling industry, it makes the perfect setting for this important event to take place.

The organizers have promised to release more details of the content of G2E closer to the date when it is due to take place.

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