PlayOJO Claims Two Trophies at the Social Media Awards 2021

The PlayOJO online casino brand has managed to acquire two more awards to add on to its current collection. At the highly prestigious Social Media Awards 2021, the casino went up against some strong competition in two categories – Best Use of Instagram and Best Use of Social Media. The brand was nominated in these areas for its Compulsion campaign, which incorporates one of the UK’s favorite celebrities in Gemma Collins.

The campaign surrounded the issues of problem gambling, and it focused on the launch of a fragrance known as Compulsion – a faux scent, it should be added. This was done to highlight gambling addiction as being something that “has no smell” and is very frequently undetectable. In that campaign, Gemma spoke with the charity known as Breakeven so that she was better able to understand problem gambling herself, as well as its effects on young people.

Together, they crafted the acronym for signs that someone may be addicted to gambling. This goes by the title of SMELL – Sleep, Money, Extreme (emotions), Losing, Lying – and is designed to help concerned players or their close friends and family to determine whether they have a gambling issue.

PlayOJO was actually nominated alongside some huge names from the UK, such as the Hilton hotel brand (NYSE: HLT) and Superdrug.

The Social Media Awards were crafted so as to celebrate the innovation that is involved when it comes to achieving outstanding campaigns via social media. The categories included within are judged by a high-level panel of judges, including leading experts from the industry.

Samit Dutta Head of Digital at PlayOJO

It’s an honor to have taken home not one but two awards from the prestigious Social Media Awards 2021. We were up against some stiff competition, so we are thrilled that our Compulsions campaign came out on top.

Samit DuttaHead of Digital at PlayOJO

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