14% of Dutch People Gambled Online in Last 12 Months - NOGA

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The latest edition of the Online Gaming Barometer published by the Netherlands Online Gambling Association (NOGA) has revealed an increase in the number of Dutch people gambling online.

The Barometer gets its findings from a consumer survey conducted by IPSOS, a market research company, on 2,803 residents in the Netherlands.

According to the report, 14% of the Dutch populace had wagered online in the last 12 months, up from 11%. The number of young adult players has also grown to 30% higher than the recorded 21% in 2022.

Furthermore, of the 483 people who gambled in the previous 12 months, 69% were men. Young adult gamblers make up 36% of the same pool.

81% of the survey’s participants gambled on their smartphones, 63% chose laptops, while tablets were selected by 27% as their preferred device of choice. 85% of these people preferred to bet on websites, while 51% went for apps.

The Barometer reported an increase in young people exhibiting problem gambling behaviors from 8% to 14% year-on-year. However, the association stated that the increase was mainly due to the rise in the number of players.

NOGA also noted that Dutch people are seeing less gambling advertising. Last year, 25% of participants said they have seen gambling ads “very often.” However, this year, the percentage was brought down to 15%.

77% claimed to have seen ads on television compared to 81% in 2022, while 43% said they had seen ads online, down from 49% year-on-year. Social media ad views also reduced to 32%.

However, 22% more participants saw outdoor advertising this year than 15% last year.

Gambling Ads Situation in the Netherlands

The reduction in the number of Dutch people that have seen gambling advertising in the last 12 months can be attributed to efforts by the Dutch government to further control gambling advertising in its jurisdiction. It is worthy of note that since the Dutch market went live in October 2021, there have been concerns about the increase in untargeted advertising.

In February 2022, addiction experts complained that the unchecked gambling advertisements flooding the Dutch market create a rosy picture of gambling which could lead to an increase in addiction problems. According to them, the Advertising Code Committee rejected every complaint filed against online gambling advertisements in the jurisdiction.

However, in April 2023, the Netherlands government finally heeded the call after releasing a draft of its stricter advertising regulations that will be implemented on July 1.

Rules contained in the draft include a ban on television adverts and radio as well as the prohibition of marketing in public. However, bookmakers will still be allowed to advertise online and on on-demand television.

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