New Interactive Maps Launched by GambleAware to Combat Problem Gambling in UK

The GambleAware organization has designed and released interactive maps that have the ability to identify the usage and reported demand for support relating to gambling harm in the United Kingdom. Through these maps, areas of a higher take-up of gambling support are highlighted, and those areas with reports of a higher demand for such services will also be pointed out.
The maps are informed of this data by GambleAware’s annual GB treatment and support survey. Through this, the organization obtains an overview of both the reported demand for treatment and the uptake of that across the country.
At the same time, the survey notes differences in gambling activity by each area of the UK, and based on the information within, the charity can utilize the maps to inform responses by local authorities.
GambleAware strongly recommends that both authorities and wards use the maps alongside local data and information on gambling-related harm. As things stand, they currently only use a single set of data, which is provided by the responses to the aforementioned survey. From this, should an area be highlighted as having higher demand for gambling treatment, then GambleAware suggests that local authorities should do more to promote the available help. This, it says, should be done through the National Gambling Treatment Service.

We want to assist local authorities and services in delivering the best possible treatment, and support for gambling harms in their area. These new interactive maps can be used to identify shortfalls between treatment and support services and prevalence of gambling participation and harms, which can be used to inform local responses.
In other news relating to the GambleAware organization, it was announced back in January that Marc Etches was stepping down as the CEO. At the end of March 2021, his replacement stepped up to the position in the form of Zoë Osmond. She took over the position after being one of the prime leaders of the delivery of GambleAware’s multi-million pound Safer Gambling and treatment campaigns. She also worked with stakeholders across public health, government, media, academia and the industry to ensure that that campaign was a success.
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